Friday, July 13, 2001-
I apologize for the comic's
lateness yesterday, Keenspace kinda had a stick up it's butt that caused
me to have to manual update.
So I saw "Final Fantasy:
The Spirits Within" two days ago. It was in no way bad as a movie. This
is what I mean- It had no direct ties to its source material, the games(besides
its FF7-ish plot). But to me, it just felt like an all-out action-scifi
movie, and as an action-scifi movie, it wasn't half-bad. I'm sure many
of you disagree and say "Worst. Movie. Ever." but I think it was okay.
ANYWAY, things I stupidly
forgot to mention-- webrunner
designed the hero's new weapon, the jag sword (which made it's first appearence
on Wednesday) AND, webrunner
cameoed T.A.T. Guy in
this funny strip. And I should have mentioned it a long time ago but
of you who have been asking how to get to web and me's IRC channel #RPGcomics,
now have the answer. web
again saves us with his guide
to IRC chatting on our channel. This will become a permanent link in
a new section soon. And If you visit regularly, you'll get on his list
of #RPGcomics notables! A bonafide LIST!
In response to readers asking
what game I'm most looking forward to on every system- For the Playstation2:
Metal Gear Solid 2. Which is soon going to be my only reason for
buying a PS2. For the Xbox: Jet Set Radio Future. I love Jet Grind
Radio with all my heart, and It's great to see it continue, even if it
will be on the Xbox. For the Gamecube: It's Super Smash Brothers Melee.
Because It's Nintendo. And It has Kirby(much to the dismay of my
opponents who hate my cheap Kirby SKILLS).

---Ian J.