Tokyoto, JAPAN- Video Games Giant BLACKSOFT has just announced its flagship series, RPG World is due out for Sony's all-new all-around neato Playstation 2 in the future. "We're excited to see this great series move onto a new console" said RPG World creator, producer and director Hian Jonsu-Kawaruti. "RPG World is the top selling BLACKSOFT game, and we want to make more money off of it." Money indeed. RPG World made almost $10 last month when it was released. "Holy Sh*t!" Jonsu-Kawaruti added as he was hit by a rather large block of cement. The president of Sony Consumer Electronics Japan is quoted as saying "Whee!" Yes, "Whee" indeed.

In America, Electronic Farts (The company that domestically releases Blacksoft games) hopes this game will be good. "Well, we need something strong," Said their CEO, Ivan "Jonesy" Quarter. "We really f*cked up this year with our 'summer of adventure', which, with the exception of a few games, turned out more like the 'summer of mediocrity'. RPG World has a very strong fanbase." This is true. fans are looking out for this one. But not Sega fans. "Sega helped us establish our identity and fans, but we hate them now. Some people say that we're just a bunch of backstabbing bitches, but we're just trying to focus on appropriate platforms." Quarter added.

"Electronic Farts are a bunch of backstabbing bitches." Said the current president of Sega (whoever the hell that may be). "Damn them." He also added.

The fans are ready for this one. When asked about the creators influence, Electronics Boutique customer Mork Schiffer had this to say: "Who the hell is Hian Jonsu-Kawaruti? I'm here for Pokemon!"